5 Secrets of Powerful Leaders: How to Capture the Attention of a Room

By Brad Chase

Think you want to be a powerful leader? Want to have the power of conversation? You know how to be inspiring? Do you have good leader qualities like intelligence and competence? Know how to capture the attention of a room?

Being a leader means you need to have all of these traits. People will follow your lead if you have the skills necessary to lead them. If you can capture the attention of a room you can conquer the most difficult traits of them all. With this one trait at least there are a few steps you can take to gain success.

Get People's Attention: On Your Way to Success

Fashionably Late- You cannot be the first to arrive at any function. People see that the hectic schedules of the world's most powerful men and women make them always turn up late. Anytime there is a party or event you should put on your men's suits and relax. Don't be late - just show up last and come with a wonderful smile. Even though you've come late people will see that you're happy being here. Only exceptions - meetings and dinner parties.

Think About Your Clothing Choices- Used to wearing a navy men suit with a white button down shirt and a navy tie all the time? In these clothes you may feel comfortable but is it enough to capture a room's attention? If you want to set yourself apart as a leader, look the part; be nervous about what you wear. Don't be afraid to add colour to your wardrobe, cufflinks, and pocket squares. You may even have to step outside your comfort zone. Powerful, bold colours in your ties will capture attention and make you look fabulous.

Commit Names to Memory- For many individuals, there is no sweeter sound than their own name, so use this to your advantage. Capture your follower's attention when you walk into a room in your men's suits but not just for a moment. You need to memorize their first name and give them something to think over. Show them you were paying attention and thinking about them.

Charisma in Conversation- Once you have captured the room's attention with your men's suits and fantastic memory, you need to use your charisma to seize the conversation. This is not a time to convert individuals to your way of thinking; instead, it is a time to show you are involved, smart, and cool you are- without actually saying you are. Be the person that starts a challenging conversation that questions conventional wisdom or the individual who knows how to tell a great story.

Listen- Memorizing information about certain individuals you meet and seizing the conversation are important skills, and you can do neither one without the most important skill of all: listening. You also need to listen to show your leadership skills. Learn what your followers have to say and listen. Then state opinions.

Being a leader involves the use of many traits. Capture the attention of a room by making sure you wear men suit styles, listening, and arriving last with a winning smile.

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