Anthony Morrison - TV Guru Review

By Robert David Strong

Unless you have been sleeping under a stone for the previous 2 years I am sure you've seen the "Anthony Morrison advertising profits from home" TV infomercial. Who hasn't, right?

Half an hour of buzz buzz buzz

"I've made millions, my father has made millions, and now it's your turn. For just one simple payment of $39.95 ( and shipping and handling ) you, too , can be loaded and famous like me. Call now. Operators are standing by."

The way he talks it sounds so simple, and at $39.95 plus delivery and handling it's inexpensive, so we made a decision to buy the course and dig into it a little deeper. Put it under the microscope if you like. This is what we created.

Anthony Morrison's Advertising Profits from Home program

What you get for your $39.95 ( and postage and packing naturally ) is 2 thin manuals and some DVDs which present the basic outline of marketing online, some reasonable info about the entrepreneurial perspective, and it offers some info about cost per action ( CPA ) affiliate internet marketing and PPC advertising methodologies.

What the books and DVDs present is a basic outline of online marketing, some half-decent information about having an entrepreneurial attitude and a very basic intro to the arena of cost per action ( CPA ) internet marketing and pay-per-click ( Pay-per-click ) advertising methodologies.

Save yourself $39.95 ( and handling and shipping of course ) and read the following:

We are able to lay out the basic info for you here and now, and we will do it in 2 paragraphs.

There are 100,000 associate products to choose from now and the firms that make those products will pay you a commission to push traffic to their websites so that interested parties can fill out an-opt in form or make a purchase ( they become leads and / or clients ). When you sign on to become an affiliate you get your own private tracking code and then start promoting the product through your affiliate links and banners. You have got to target getting free traffic which of course needs building a domain and a comprehensive understanding of S.E.O, or you can use paid advertising to pump your affiliate links.

Anthony Morrison Advertising Profits from Home The Genuine Truth

Were there any real systems to earning with the Anthony Morrison Profits from Home program? Oh yes, and finding the secret means spending far more money.

What is the Anthony Morrison real home moneymaking secret? The answer to that's dear back end sales! Inside 2 days after receiving the material in the mail we started being badgered by high pressure sales representative who were offering to sell us all of the "missing information" that they promised would be the final secret to making a serious income using Mr. Morrison's promotional technique. They even offered a personal training program and incredibly costly ready-made websites which together added up to thousands of dollars. $3-$5000 actually. As you can imagine we passed respectfully, and from seeing most of the other reviews of these scheme online we are glad we probably did!

So what is the REAL cash generating secret? High buck back end sales! Meaning within days of receiving the material in the mail we were badgered by a high pressure sales person who kept calling us at all hours of the day to sell us all the "missing information" needed to truly make a significant income using Anthony's CPA marketing model. And, they offered a personal training program and ready-built web sites that cost thousands upon thousands of bucks. Three to five thousand bucks to be specific. We passed, and from the other reviews you can read online I am pleased we probably did.

Here's the final analysis. CPA networks are tough to get into, ultra competitive, and the pros use very pricey software to track what all of the competition is doing. So unless you are willing to invest hundreds, even thousands of dollars each month to contend with the big boys... Pass on the Anthony Morrison advertising profits from home program.

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