Back Relief: Could Massage Be the Answer?

By Brad Chase

The possible cure for back pain may lie in the alternative therapy many are skeptical about. As it turns out, massage has been scientifically proven to offer far better back pain relief than any medication out there. The recent study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine after an investigation by the Seattle based Group Health Research Institute. Four hundred people were part of this study and they all suffered from severe lower back pain. Out of these 400, female, Caucasian middle aged women formed the most part. Part of the group was given special massage therapy while the other half was kept on medication.

Book adult massage London today- After all the skepticism that alternative treatment methods like meditation, hypnotherapy and adult massage London had received from various populations, but now even The New York Times supported the recent findings, concluding that traditional physical therapy, pain pills and muscle relaxants were found to be less effective than relaxation and structural massage sessions. Three groups of people were offered three therapeutic routes including structural massage, traditional care and relaxation massage therapy. One hour of massage therapy had an outcome of better pain improvement than other therapies.

Relax your day with adult massage London- It was also concluded that structural massage was less effective than relaxation massages. In a relaxation massage, a Swedish massage for example or even an adult massage London session, provides body wide relaxation while structural massage uses only particular back pain related muscles. Another important thing that all researches noticed after the trial, was that even when the ten week period ended, people who were on massage therapy exhibited improved function for up to six months after treatment had already ended. The benefits were longer lasting than structural physiotherapy and any other traditional methods.

It is not known how that kind of outcome is possible, but there are theories that say the major reason for this could be that massage generated a central nervous system response. They say that this kind of improvement may also be the outcome of a relaxing setting and the deep positive effect of just letting things go. To be honest, no one has quite figured out why this happens but one theory states that central nervous system response generation might be the answer. The amazing result may also be because during massage a person feels the deep positive effects of a soothing atmosphere and get overall wellness.

Daniel Cherkin, lead author and researcher, says that the results they witnessed were definitely quite strong and massage should be considered as a therapy when other methods seem to fail. This therapy form can be great for those who still haven't been able to get relief from back pain. Choose the best adult massage London.

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