How To Stop Procrastination

By Ellis Tomlinson

What can you do if you've tried all the usual tips to stop procrastinating and still had no success? If YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH of starting new projects, usually with buckets of enthusiasm, thinking this time things will be different; only to find yourself right back in that place of inaction, feeling defeated and totally frustrated yet again, then it's likely you've been misinformed about how to deal with this problem. Fortunately the three steps I'm about to share with you will have you turning this around in no time at all. Follow and commit to these steps and not only will you learn how to stop procrastinating forever, but you will find it possible to achieve all those important outcomes in your life which till now you have been struggling to make happen.

So how do we stop procrastinating? We need to realize that we are doing it in the first place. Human nature allows us to do things and then disguise them as other issues. We tend to make excuses for our bad habits and usually end up blaming them onto other things or people. So the first step in learning to stop procrastinating is to identify that we are procrastinating.

Why Do People Procrastinate? Many psychologists believe that people often procrastinate because they have anxiety about starting or completing a project. Other psychological causes include low self esteem and a self defeating mentality. Mental health conditions such as ADHD or depression can also cause a person to procrastinate.

It is Important to Stop Procrastination Inwardly, a person often feels stress, guilt or anxiety when he or she procrastinates. Outwardly, the person may be viewed as lazy, unproductive or disorganized.

I was working with a friend recently who wanted to lose weight. She had identified that she needed to do exercise to help her achieve this. Unfortunately she always found a way to get out of the exercise and wanted desperately to stop procrastinating. I asked her to tell me what losing weight would do for her. She said she would feel more comfortable in her clothes; that shopping for clothes would be more pleasurable, she would feel more attractive and she would feel happy that she was doing something to improve her health.

If this person is afraid of speaking in front of people, then they will more than likely put off writing a speech until the last minute. Little do they realize that it makes them feel unprepared and doesn't probably go as smooth as they would like it to.

NLP and Hypnotherapy It is not always necessary, nor desirable, for people to examine why they procrastinate. That is why the methodologies of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy are successful treatments for some people.

So to stop procrastinating we must first set goals in our lives. We need to figure out what it is that we want to achieve, and then make a list of goals. They need to be realistic goals that we can achieve. If we set them too high we are setting ourselves up for a disaster.After we set our goals we need to commit to doing them. That is the hard part, but if we can understand that we are procrastinating and why, it will be much easier to learn to stop procrastinating.

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