How Does Hypnosis Work

By Eddie H. Gillis

Why do a lot of people smoke? There are many reasons. Peer pressure, boredom, the need to experiment and even self expression. These are just few of the many explanations why people engage in this kind of habit.To quit smoking is a great challenge. But it is certainly one of the best things you can do for your health. Smoking is a life threatening habit. It is the main cause of cancer. It also increases your predisposition to major heart attacks, strokes, lung problems, and other health conditions, which includes bone fractures and cataracts.

Hypnosis works by reprogramming the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the most powerful part of our mind. It is the part that is intuitive, creative, and instinctive. It is the part of our mind that is responsible for our habits, fear responses and automatic functions such as our breathing, sweating and heart rate.Although our subconscious mind is very powerful, it has difficulty understanding language. That is why you can explain to a small child or indeed anyone that a spider is nothing to fear. On a conscious level that person will fully understand and probably agree. However on a subconscious level they will not. This is why the automatic fear response is still triggered even after long discussions about spiders being much smaller and that they actually fear us etc. The fear response is triggered by the subconscious part of the mind that did not understand. The conscious part of the mind that does understand cannot influence the automatic fear response, just like it cannot influence our drives for habits such as smoking and overeating. That means that we must communicate with the subconscious part of the mind in order to effect a permanent change.

A hypnotherapist is trained to guide a person into a trance. A trance 'tunes down' the conscious mind allowing greater access to the subconscious part. A good hypnotherapist is then able to communicate with the subconscious mind using metaphors, visualizations, and slow clear language.

One of the most popular hypnosis techniques for smoking cessation is Spiegel's method which centers on three main ideas:Smoking afflicts the body.Your body is needed to live.You should treat your body with utmost respect and do all means to protect it.The therapist teaches the smoker how to perform self-hypnosis, and requests the smoker to say the affirmations over and over anytime the urge to smoke occurs. The success and intensity of hypnosis changes from every individual.Hypnotherapy is just one of the many alternate therapies acquiring wide acknowledgement at some of the country's best hospitals and medical research institutes.

Once you can effectively communicate with your subconscious mind, you can make many almost miraculous changes to your life. You can change almost any habit and any fear. You can become more confident, more successful, and more satisfied with life.

Smokers who have tried any of the aids to quit smoking and have found them unsuccessful, or who do not want to go for nicotine replacement therapy (some people find they cannot wear the patches or use the gum) then quit smoking hypnosis seminars can be an attractive option. However, there is a chance that the group hypnosis seminar may not work for some of you. This is because the depth of hypnosis varies from person to person, and the motivation for quitting also differs, everybody is different after all. Hypnosis requires absolute quiet with no distractions. If you are in a room full of other people you may be distracted by small noises which in turn, may make your concentration stray. A better option would be a one to one hypnotherapy session.

One of the most popular forms of 'help' for any of the above problems is hypnosis. A hypnotist, or 'hypnotherapist,' as they prefer to be called, speaks with the subconscious mind while the client is in a hyper-responsive and attentive state. The main question most people are asking is: Does hypnosis really work? The first thing to understand about hypnosis is: some people are more easily hypnotized than others, and it has nothing to do with whether a person is easily influenced, submissive, or gullible. People who are more intellectual and attentive, who love to read or listen to music are more easily hypnotized than people who have short attention spans.

Hypnosis is said to work by changing a person's state of consciousness with reduced peripheral awareness accompanied by strictly focused attention. The subconscious takes over the conscious mind, while the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for the patient's behavior and physical state to alter.

The hypnotized person must be able to put his or herself to "another place" in time. This does not mean entering the future or past, though common beliefs about hypnosis assert that this is possible. The "other place" is simply a focus on the present situation where the subconscious awareness takes the individual; it is where the entire surrounding environment is exchanged for sharply directed attention in or on a particular place or thing.It works for all sorts of everyday problems and more unusual human troubles and challenges like, controlling your anger, stop blushing, insecurity and getting over a relationship, overcome jealousy, stop nail biting, building self confidence, overcome phobias etc.

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