How To Determine The Best Debt Consolidation Program For You

By Patricia E. Beeson

A lot of people are coming up with the wrong assumptions about debt relief because they are confused about the similarities and differences of each program. Debt consolidation is probably where most consumers are having a difficult time understanding because it is such a broad debt relief term to begin with.Debt consolidation simply refers to the efforts of a debtor to simplify their debt payment methods by combining their funds into one manageable payment scheme. The goal is to make the process easier so as to make debt relief more attainable. The two words alone does not necessarily signify debt consolidation loans. Not all consolidation efforts need a loan to make it possible.

To help relieve you of the confusing ideas about debt consolidation programs, here is a list of popular myths about the two different debt consolidation programs: credit counseling/debt management plan and debt consolidation loans.Credit Counseling/Debt Management Plan.Myth: All programs are the same.Fact: The general idea of debt consolidation may be the same but the details will vary depending on the unique situation of the debtor. It is very important that you identify your financial weaknesses and strengths and discuss it with your credit counselor. This will help you come up with a plan that is suited to your capabilities and will have a higher chance of success.Myth: All credit counseling agencies are non-profit organizations.Fact: While most of them are not for profit, there are companies who offer paid services. They are still legitimate but be sure to conduct your due diligence to be certain.Myth: Credit counseling agencies have varying creditor payment methods.

Fact: The creditor benefits have been standardized throughout the industry so you will rarely find a company that offers a better one. However, your credit counsellor will aim to provide you with a payment plan that you can afford to pay for. Should you be unable to afford that, your chances of getting a lower scheme with another credit counseling agency is low. Instead of searching for a different company, you will also be advised to shift to a different debt relief program altogether. Debt settlement and bankruptcy are two other options that has a lower monthly payment plan.Debt Consolidation Loans.Myth: A collateral is always needed.Fact: You do not need a collateral to avail of a debt consolidation loan. However, there are benefits to be made when you avail of a secured loan like lower interest rates. This is probably why a Home Equity loan is the most pursued type of debt consolidation loan.

Myth: You need a good credit score.Fact: Like a collateral, a good credit score will help you acquire lower interest rates but it does not define whether you will be granted a loan or not. Even those with bad credit scores can still opt for a debt consolidation loan as long as they have the means to pay for it and the overall monthly amount is not greater than the current.Myth: A loan is the best way to get out of debt.Fact: There are other options to get out of debt and each of them are best for particular financial situations. It is still best to consult an expert about it or at least analyze your finances carefully to know what is the best debt relief option to take.

It is often mentioned that escaping from the terrifying grip of debt is a life-time ambition, but one that is rarely realized. It seems that as soon as we leave college we are caught up in a never-ending spiral of bills, loans and credit cards, each of which simply worsens our financial woes. But through a debt consolidation program, the pressure can be alleviated.

The simple fact of the matter is that debt can be overcome, and those of us in serious financial hot water can escape. But managing debts effectively does take some effort, and by signing up to a program, there is a great chance of financial recovery.However, as with everything to do with financing, it is important that some care is taken before signing up to a program offered by one of the many companies that specialize in debt consolidation, with some not being quite as genuine as they might seem.

What is Debt Consolidation? The basic concept behind an effective debt consolidation program is that the debt that a person has accumulated will be bought out by the company and then repaid at a more affordable rate by the original borrower. It is effectively a debt transfer system, but can play a huge role in lightening the financial burden we find ourselves under.For example, a person may have credit card, personal loan, auto loan and a variety of other debts amounting to $50,000. Because these loans are from different lenders, and have different interest rates applied to them, the overall cost can be significantly higher than it needs to be. But by managing debts effectively the cost is reduced.

So, instead of a combined monthly repayment cost of $1,500, through debt consolidation, it can be repaid at one interest rate over a longer period of time, thus reducing the repayment to perhaps $1,000. That leaves extra cash to use for other obligations.The Long-Term Advantages.There is a clear advantage in signing up to a debt consolidation program in that a range of individual debts can be gathered into one, making it much more manageable. But there are more pluses to the equation.

Not least among them is the effect that this program has on the credit score of the borrower. In managing debts effectively, they need to be bought out. To the borrower, this means that the debt is transferred but, to the original lender, this means that the debt is cleared. With each cleared debt, the credit score of the borrower is adjusted, thereby improving the credit rating overall.The result of this is that the terms of any future loans will be better, interest rates lower and loan limit set higher. However, as always, there are certain things that should be watched out for when turning to debt consolidation.

What to Watch Out For.The majority of companies offering debt consolidation programs are on the Internet. This in itself has pros and cons, with the chief pro being an accessibility that it hard to match. However, the cons include the risk of unscrupulous operators taking advantage of consumers. To avail of the program, it is necessary to sign a contract, but the terms of any contract need to be examined before it is signed. For example, the company may apply extra fees and charges, and charge heavy fines to any borrower who fails to make payments to them on time. In managing debts effectively then, there can be risks.However, check the firm with the Better Business Bureau for information, and read the small print on contracts carefully. Then, only sign the debt consolidation agreement if fully satisfied everything is alright.

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1 comment:

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