How To Make Energy Cording Work In Your Favor

By Maryellen Lamb

When a mother gives birth to her child, an invisible energetic link is formed between the mother and the newborn. This link is known as the energy cord. The connection instantly gives the mother a sense of attachment to her child that makes her love it protect it. The deep emotion of the mother brought about by her unconscious notion that the child came from her and is a part of her is what triggered the formation of the link and this is known as energy cording.

Cording has its positive effects but also has negative ones as well. In the case of the bond established between the mother and child, the connection provides the subconscious emotional need of the infant such as love and security.

The bad side is that some connections impede the growth of an individual. For the case of the mother and child, if the mother will not renew the connection into one that will develop the self esteem and confidence of her offspring, then the growth of the child as a person will suffer. As the child grows, the loving and over protective connection should be replaced by one that is still loving, still protective, but also trusting in the sense that the mother believes in the capabilities of her child to stand on its own.

The example shows that an energetic bond does not need to be negative as long as it is cultivated properly. And the key to this is being able to identify not only your own needs but also those of your peers.

These energetic bonds could also be formed between unrelated persons. For example, when a man and woman fall in love, a cord is formed between them. Humans, regardless of age, all need to be loved and cared for and the relationship formed between the couple satisfies such needs.

But in romantic relationships, it is a common problem that things are only positive and happy at the beginning but slowly turns ugly and unhealthy for both parties. This is because humans are self centered by nature and after some dating and making a good impression to each other, both parties return to their self centered nature and this is where things go down the spiral. But things do not need to turn out that way. All that is needed is an understanding of the needs of each other.

If the connection between couples start to drain them with energy instead of fill them of it, then it would be best to sever such link to avoid more harm on the personality of both parties. There are severances that are best left as it is, but there are separations that only resulted in spur of emotions that are worth fixing and restoring into something more beautiful. And such could be identified by each individual in the relationship. Just note that high regards to oneself is important for both parties before trying to mend a broken bond.

Energy cording could make an individual more complete with the help of another person. But for it to work out, love and care should be unconditionally reciprocated with more love and care.

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