How to Program Your Subconscious Mind For Happiness

By Antje Govers

If you know anything about computers, you know there really is not intelligence driving these machines. The only output you can expect from a computer is only as good as the input.Some software programs work efficiently and seems intuitive to our needs. While, other software programs are slow and clunky and can't be trusted to provide the desired output.Our subconscious mind is very much like a computer. The subconscious mind is the driving force behind our lives and manifests whatever we input. This is why children who are given positive feedback and reminded of their infinite abilities succeed in life while children who are abused and given negative feedback have a hard time getting through life. While we are children, it is up to our parents to feed our subconscious mind, but as adults, we must take full responsibility for what is input in the subconscious.

A well-programmed subconscious mind makes the difference between happiness and sadness, success and failure, realizing possibilities and despair.It is easy to program your subconscious mind and I see it as these 10 simple steps.Be the guardian of everything that enters your mind. Know that everything you see hear and feel goes directly into your subconscious mind and you must manage the information you allow in. Eliminate negative information as much as you can by limiting the amount of news you read, stop seeing violent movies, read only positive information. Keep the positive information flowing into your mind and your subconscious will naturally become more positive.

Watch them but don't engage them.As you relax and your consciousness begins to alter, fewer and fewer thoughts will come.When you have gaps in between thoughts, you are ready to start programming your subconscious.You are at the gateway between your conscious mind and subconscious mind.The subconscious is in communication with your conscious mind and the universal mind.This is where you tell the subconscious what you want so that it can send it out to universe for manifestation.Now it is time to visualize what you want, make a mental vision board.Hold that image and use all of your of your senses.

Sharing information that helps others may change their life for the better. By giving to others, you earn respect, eliminate envy, and selflishness melts away.I always give my best and expect nothing in return. Something good will return to me without asking.I am consistently and persistently aware of my emotions, of my health and staying well, my behavior, and my beliefs, and my thoughts. That way, any negative thoughts can be removed immediately. Negativity repels instead of attracting.My state of being and my individual choices in life are in harmony with what I wish to attract. You attract what you focus on most often.

Brainwave entrainment is an easy-to-use tool that get you into the right brainwave frequency so can manifest your desires more quickly.The laws of attraction are initiated by your thoughts. Not all your thoughts are from your conscious mind. In fact most of the thought energy you send out into the Universe emanate from your subconscious mind without you even being aware of it happening. If you want to achieve your desires in life, it must be programmed for success. Your subconscious mind has been likened to a homing torpedo. Once it is launched, it follows the direction given to it irrespective of whether it is aiming for the correct target. Nor can it differentiate between reality and what you have vividly imagined. To ensure that your "homing torpedo" hits the right target, you have to make sure that it is programmed correctly by following these four steps:

Manage your time. There are twenty-four hours in the day for everyone. The wealthy and the poor all have the same amount of time--the difference is in how they use their time. On the first day of each month plan, what you wish to accomplish. At the beginning of each week, make lists that support your plan along with all the necessary tasks that keep life going. Daily make lists of tasks you will accomplish that support all of the above. Keep your to-do list with you and check off all of your accomplished tasks. Your subconscious mind needs to see all the tiny accomplishments it takes for continued growth--not all those little checkmarks on your to-do list will go unnoticed.

Surround yourself with your favorite things. Begin today placing your favorite things in full view in your home. Whether these be family pictures, treasures from your travels or sport memorabilia, always keep these things visible. You should be completely comfortable at home and your subconscious mind will benefit your renewed feeling of comfort and the peace you will have at home when you have your favorite things around you.

Set aside time for you. Everyone needs time to reflect. Whether you pray, meditate, practice yoga, or just read positive information. Set aside an hour each day for yourself. Your subconscious mind needs to know just how important you are and nothing shows this importance than having time for yourself. Many believe there is not a free hour in the day for themselves. Whether you have to wake an hour early or go to bed an hour later having an hour of peace is an important way to clear your mind and open yourself to the possibilities your subconscious mind can offer.

Gratitude.Being truly grateful for what you have yet to receive sends strong positive thoughts into the Universe that are backed by a powerful positive emotion. This has two effects. The first is to strengthen your desires, and the Universe will respond in kind many times over. The second is to reinforce your success programming.You are constantly feeding thoughts to your subconscious mind on which it acts to bring about that which you allow to dominate your thinking. The choice is yours whether you feed it thoughts of failure or success. You must program your subconscious mind with thoughts of success if you are to achieve the object of your desires with the laws of attraction.

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