Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment - Overcoming Social Phobia In Minutes

By Paul H. Gray

Most of us do not remember much about those early baby years, when life was simpler, reasons for confidence were plentiful, and negative temperaments were not so evident. Qualities like shyness, right and wrong behavior, and lack of confidence were not problems.The baby's sense of amazement and curiosity promotes healthy feelings such as confidence. As the years of negative thoughts and experiences influence you, those healthy thoughts are covered by anxiety, shyness, and fear. As a result, many adults are stuck with these negative traits caused by our external environment's effect on them.

Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder? It is very natural for people to be shy at times. Shyness is a normal emotion experienced by normal, healthy people of all ages, from very small children, all the way through adulthood. It can be a good emotion to experience, too; in a way, shyness acts as a bit of a safeguard to keep us humble, and keep us on our toes in situations such as receiving compliments or being around someone we are attracted to, allowing us to create deeper bonds with people as a result.However, shyness that goes to extremes, making it impossible for a person to do things such as make eye contact with someone else or freely speak to them, is no longer just shyness. When this exaggerated "shyness" progresses to behaviors such as avoiding social situations altogether, then it becomes social phobia. In worse cases, sufferers can experience the typical symptoms of anxiety if they are forced into social situations. There is frequently racing of the heart, sweating, stuttering, nervousness, fast breathing, nausea and diarrhea, and other symptoms.

Some stressful triggers for all those who suffer from social anxiety disorder:Meeting new people,Being criticized or teased,Speaking in public meetings,Eating/ drinking in public,Attending meetings, parties or some other social settings,Talking with authoritative people,Being the centre of attention,A dispute with close friend or relative,Things that can help in raising your self-esteem:Avoid chocolates, energy drinks, tea, and caffeine as these act as stimulants that may increase anxiety,Do mild exercise, such as taking a short walk, dancing, and jogging,Spend more time with friends,Try doing things you've been putting off. You will feel much confident and better afterwards.Join local voluntary service, because satisfaction that you will get by helping others can be great for your self-esteem.

Usually, the longer a client has had a poor view of himself and his internal self, the harder it can be to change it. That is why it is so imperative for people with a faulty perception to get help as soon as possible. The rate at which recovery takes place is often based on the person's willingness to be authentic, honest, and willing to dig deep into the past. When an individual can accept and appreciate their own significant self, they don't have to feel anxious about limitations in their life, fears in their future, or inability in their performance. Successful people have a self confidence in their life that is calm, sure, and naturally content.

In treating social anxiety with medications, anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs are typically tried, along with some CBT. Both beta-blockers and MAO-inhibitors are generally used to aid in reducing social phobia, but each person's reaction will differ, so it is impossible to say that one drug specifically will be the right one. Practicing other anxiety reduction techniques, as well as self-help methods which can be researched can all help as well, whether used in combination with medications or on their own. The most important thing to remember is that social anxiety disorder is treatable, and it is possible for sufferers to lead normal, social lives with treatment.You're sitting in a crowded restaurant for a work party. You know some of these people, but that doesn't matter. Feeling your sweaty palms and shaky limbs, you start to think of the questions always plaguing your thoughts in every social situation.What will they think of me? What if I do something embarrassing? Will they see my face turn red? Will they laugh?And the list goes on. The cycle begins and you have a horrible time, but can't even think about that yet until you find a way out of there. As the walls seemingly close in around you, your unease grows unbearably.This, my friends, is social anxiety. Plenty of people suffer from it. It may even seem surprising to you or you may be completely familiar with this problem. How to overcome social anxiety is a question many have.

When people become more familiar with the situations they are uncomfortable with, they will not only improve their confidence level, but will also build their social skills. This will gradually reduce their anxiety within a reasonable period of time.Medications,Three types of medications used for social anxiety disorder treatment are-benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants. However, the best treatment for all those who are suffering with this disorder will depend upon the individual. Some people will be able to do well with self-help techniques, while others may need both self-help techniques and medication.

Slow Breathing:People who are suffering from social anxiety generally tend to breath quite quickly when they face a social situation and this results in other symptoms of anxiety and even makes the talking a little harder. You should talk normally and breathe properly. Don't rush into completing what you want to say, just be casual and finish without hurry.Keep your breathing under control.

Hypnosis-What is it? Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person can focus and concentrate better. While under hypnosis, a person typically feels a sense of calm relaxation and can have lowered blood pressure and heart rate. This allows them to concentrate intensely on a certain feeling, thought, memory or sensation without succumbing to any distraction. It's an idea for how to overcome social anxiety because of this.Also, while under hypnosis, a person is more open to suggestion. This environment can be used to change the person's perceptions, emotions, sensations or behavior. It is done by licensed medical doctors, registered nurses, social workers, psychologists or others trained in hypnotherapy. Hypnosis by a professional, and not for entertainment, can improve a person's health and mental health greatly. No matter how silly it all sounds, people can truly benefit from hypnosis. That is why it can be a solution for how to overcome social anxiety.Typically, a professional hypnotist in a certified location will speak to a person to obtain a calm environment. Through this relaxed feeling, the therapist can talk through how to overcome your phobia. Depending on the severity of the person's problem, the therapist will start at the root of the issue. The person under hypnosis can think through their anxiety in a whole new light. Repeated sessions of this can provide relief for some sufferers.

This is proven by body language. If you really like someone then you will hold your body is toward the person. If you don't like the person you will naturally turn yourself away from them. These thoughts create subtle changes in our body language.By changing your thinking habits from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can start to overcome your anxiety. By changing the movies and pictures you create in your mind your body will start to react in the same positive way. You can also consciously change the way you hold yourself to feel better.

Facing Your Fears:Most of the people with social anxiety find comfort in avoiding the social interactive situation and consider it far more suitable. But the fact remains the unchanged that as much time you will give your fear to stay, it will grow that much bigger.When you avoid a particular situation and run away from it, the same fear grows bigger in your mind and stays there until you eventually learn to face it. It will be easier if you start doing this in the beginning instead of just avoiding the social encounters with people. You can take small steps to doing this, if you avoid group conversations start to join them and then leave them after a few minutes, then over time as you start to gain confidence stay in them longer, maybe even start them. This is the same for going out.

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1 comment:

  1. Ive suffered from sociophobia for several years until I sought the help of hypnotherapy. In my case it has nothing to do with trauma or a life experience. Guess it's related to heredity. Now I'm freed from my fears and has never enjoyed life like this before.
    Phobias Gold Coast and brisbane
