Stress Management by Brainwave Entrainment

By Jiang Li Pai

This is a question commonly asked by a great number of people, looking to find a solution to problems like anxiety, stress, migraines, or simply exploring various ways to take their meditation practice to a whole new level. Having been skeptical enough to fully research the subject myself, as well as gaining more than seven years of experiential knowledge with brainwave entrainment products, I have meant this article to serve as a starting point for anyone in need of a trustworthy resource in brainwave entrainment research and information.

What is Brainwave Entrainment? Brainwave entrainment is a deliberate process that synchronizes, or entrains natural brainwaves to that of an external stimulus frequency, that is usually auditory and/or visual in nature. When the brain entrains, it duplicates the frequency of the stimulus, causing a change in the electrical activity in the brain. Each different electrical response produces a different brain state or brainwave frequency. Each different brainwave frequency has a specific pattern and can be designed to induce a certain effect or state of consciousness.

You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars...The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen." All physical matter is in a state of vibration. Most of us don't perceive the vibratory reality of the universe, or hear the sound. But it is there nonetheless. Those who have perceived this vibratory reality have called it by various names. Some call this primordial music of the universe the "music of the spheres". Some call it "Aum" or "Om" and try to align themselves with it by years of meditation practice. Others call it shabd or audible life stream, the song Divine, the Word of God through which and by which all things were created.The one truth behind the many different religions is that of "hearing" (not necessarily with the physical ears) the cosmic sound and following it back to the Source. A truly happy, meaningful life is the result of focusing our energy on the cosmic sound of music while living our lives on earth. This is the same as living our lives on earth while our mind is tuned into a higher level of consciousness than that of our normal day to day mindset. From this level of higher consciousness (divine consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, Messiah consciousness) where we are in tune with the inner music we naturally flow in tune with the eternal love (deeper than mere human emotional love), and wisdom (intuitive guidance), and our life reflects the unique musical song we are at the core of our being. This inner music, sound current, energy, or vibration is the source of a truly spiritual life of which religious superiority or mere ethical living is a cheesy imitation (but that is another subject).

Scientists have found out that all these states of the mind can be measured, as one emanates certain brainwave patterns, easily detected with an EEG (encephalograph). The alpha brainwave patterns are the ones associated with physical and mental relaxation, while beta brainwaves are emitted during our usual state of alertness throughout the day. Theta brainwaves occur in a state of meditation, while delta brainwave patterns are the ones emanated by our brains during deep sleep. All these have the corresponding frequency, measured in pulses per second; i.e. alpha ranges between eight and twelve pulses per second (Hz), beta ranges between twelve and thirty pulses per second, etc.

To understand how binaural beats, monaural beats, and isochronic tones can improve your overall well-being at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level a basic understanding of the electrochemical functions of the brain is necessary. Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells or neurons which use electricity to communicate with one another. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals all at the same time produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain. This activity can be detected and mapped using EEG devices. Such mapping shows that the brain is emitting specific frequency brainwave patterns that relate directly to different mental processes all the way from wide awake and highly focused (beta) to deep, dreamless sleep (delta).Following are the 4 most common brainwave classifications as revealed by EEG devices. The brain is a dynamic, living organ. During these dominant patterns, other frequencies still exist and there is no exact, single frequency that our brain operates on.Frequency range Name Usually associated with:13 to 40 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration. Throughout the day our brains are in the beta range. At this level we are active, busy, and all our emotional responses are at this level whether we are depressed, irritable, angry, happy, glad, full of energy etc.7 to 13 Hz Alpha waves When we begin to relax or begin to get drowsy, but are still awake and conscious (maybe at pre-sleep) we are said to be at the alpha level.4 to 7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation, hypnosis.Defining Binaural Beats, Monaural Betas, and Isochronic Beats.Binaural Beats - Binaural beats require headphones if you want to see results. Binaural Beats work by broadcasting two separate frequencies in each ear. For example, if you want to tune your brain to a 7 Hz frequency, you could play 200 Hz in your right ear, and 207 Hz in your left ear. The brain will compensate for the difference between the two and produce a third tone that will be exactly 7 Hz. This will result in your brain frequency being lowered to the theta level of 7 Hz.Monaural Beats - Monaural beats are the opposite of binaural beats because the input is the same in each ear therefore you don't need headphones but good speakers are always a plus. In the case of monaural beats the sound is the same on each side whether you use headphones or speakers, but the volume must be tuned precisely (not too loud and not too low) for the beats to be effective.

The brain rapidly entrains motor responses to auditory rhythms that are stable and steady, synchronizing states below and above conscious perception thresholds.Different Methods of Brainwave Entrainment.There are three main forms of entrainment used today to alter consciousness.BINAURAL BEATS-one frequency is played in one ear and a slightly different frequency is played in the other. Each ear is connected to the opposite side of the brain and when each half hears something different, it compensates by creating a third beat, that is not really there. The sound only exists in your brain and causes both hemispheres to entrain at a single frequency.

As for brainwave music being dull and monotonous it depends upon your mental state when listening to the music. When your mind is in a hurry and in a distracted, scattered condition more than likely brainwave music will seem very boring and monotonous, long and drawn-out. But if you get over these "withdrawal symptoms" of your day to day frenzied mindset your brain will start to adjust to the new audio energy and in time it will become relaxing, as well as something to look forward to listen to each day.Furthermore, when listening to some brainwave recordings for the first time some people may not only feel uncomfortable, but may even experience temporary headaches or tearing eyes. This is normal and not a danger. Some people are always very tensed-up and rarely ever experience a relaxed mental state. As a result they may feel some slight discomfort such as headaches when they physically relax and "let go". It's this sudden release and relief that causes a slight headache or tearing. These side-effects are only temporary and usually go away the next time you listen to brainwave entrainment recordings because your brain builds new neural pathways to accommodate the new incoming brainwave audio energy. For most other people, once your brain waves slow down to Alpha, you'll naturally feel very relaxed and peaceful, deep down inside. Ultimately, depending upon the musical tastes of each individual, one type of music may affect one person in one way, and affect another person in a different way. What may free one person mentally and emotionally, may depress someone else, or be completely meaningless and boring to another. While some music may free one person to the point of giving them an out of body experience, and/or to the point of enhancing their dreams at night and making them more lucid, and also transforming them into a more loving, gentle person; to another person certain music/beats may serve to stir up subconscious "junk" and previous bad memories which need to be dealt with and healed. Everyone's brain is wired differently so it is unpredictable exactly how certain music, sounds, beats or frequencies will affect each individual. Some may be led to astral heights after listening to just one recording. Whereas for another person listening to the same recording, nothing may happen until after they listen to the same recording for 25 minutes to an hour a day for a few weeks. It comes down to being patient, prepared and receptive in consciousness, not in a hurry, not in a rush, but in a relaxed, receptive, humble frame of heart and mind.

The Benefit of Using Brainwave Entrainment.If you want to create a brainwave state that is deficient or impossible to experience consciously, brainwave entrainment can allow you to access that brainwave frequency by guiding your natural brainwaves, using principles in physics.Entrainment happens naturally, everyday, all day, to everyone.Specifically designed brainwave entrainment (entrainment that is targeted), is a beneficial and effective way to produce specific brainwave frequencies, that induce various states of mind, at your will, making it a cutting-edge personal advancement tool.

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