The Power Of Positive Thinking

By Wayne M. Chase

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Helen KellerLife is never a joyride. It is a mixture of bitterness, anger, sweet, and sour feelings. Every day is a new beginning, with new challenges, new hopes, new ideas etc... , all of which can be conquered by being optimistic.

One of the most powerful weapons one can have is the "positive thinking". Positive thinking brings inner peace, satisfaction, success, improved relationships, happiness, and better health. It also helps to move smoothly in day-today affairs, and makes life bright and promising. Positive and negative thinking are contagious. People with positive thinking are more likely to be helped rather than people who are negative.

Here, are some beneficial instructions to help you develop the power of positive thinking.The power of positive thinking can subconsciously shape your life, but you can make it a conscious one.Ignore what other people will say when you change the way you think.Visualize beneficial situations.Only use positive words when talking with other or in your inner dialogues.Smile because it will help you think positively.When negative thoughts enter your mind, replace it with constructive ones. It will reenter your mind, but you have to replace it again. Eventually, your persistence to replace negative thoughts will teach your mind to think positively.If you think positively, circumstances will change and give you favorable results no matter what your circumstances are.Another useful technique is creative visualization and affirmations.

Action is the result of the thought process and if the thoughts are negative, the outcome will definitely be negative. Research has shown that anxiety, anger, and stress do a lot of damage to the body, shortens the life span, disturbs internal system, immune system, and other vital organs. On the other hand, people who are optimistic are more likely to stay healthier and recover faster from any illnesses they undergo. We have heard so many stories about cancer patients who survived and have conquered this deadly disease, simply because they managed to keep up their hope and spirits.

This statement of Swami Vivekanand has great meaning and it can really have a huge impact on our life. We most of the time knowingly or unknowingly decides who are we going to be. Those who understand this early, they are the ones wholl reap the benefits of Positive thinking.Having faith and belief in self is an important trait in one's personality. Willingness to work hard, acceptance of weaknesses and striving to correct them is what we need to lead a successful life.If you really want to change your mindset then for a start, try avoiding negativity and focus on the positive things. Always appreciate what you have got rather than what you haven't. After practicing this for a few days, you will have a much better attitude and outlook toward life.

Instead focus on the positive, giving attention and thoughts to a happy space that you can create for yourself. Look at all the caring people around you, show appreciation to your friendships, your family and your loved ones and keep in mind that a negative person may be draining to those people.

Almost everybody agrees that thinking positively is one of the keys to being successful, this is why it is so frequently offered as advice to people. The problem is that it is not nearly as easy to think positively as a lot of people imagine, if it were everybody would be happy and successful. Learning how to have positive thoughts is a skill that has to be learned, the following tips should help you to get started.

One of the best ways to make sure that you are able to think positively is whenever you set out to do something always picture the task successfully completed before you start. This is fairly common advice in which you are told to picture the end results, the problem is that most people just leave it there. Obviously picturing yourself as being successful is not going to be enough, you will have to take action. It is however a very good start and is something that you should get into the habit of doing.

Remember happy or exciting memories from the past and visualise how you felt at that moment. Close your eyes and relish in those thoughts, awakening your senses to what you were thinking, seeing, touching or smelling - reliving the memory. Avoid letting your mind wander into any sad or negative memories by quickly replacing them with good and positive thoughts. Forget past mistakes, you cannot change them, you can only learn from them.

Getting in the habit of using positive words every time you talk will go a long way to helping you think positive. It is common for people to say things like "I think I can do that" when really they should be saying "I can do that". This subtle change will have a huge impact on your thinking and you will soon believe that you actually can do it.One last thing that you can do to help you think positive is to work on improving your posture. This may not seem like a bit issue but it is. If you stand up straight you will feel more confident and if you feel more confident you will believe that you can do anything. This is another one of those things that you will want to get into the habit of doing all the time. This will result in your being more confident all of the time and having positive thoughts all of the time.

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