The Secret Science of Getting Rich

By Jack H. Sousa

That life responds to you is an important concept that many fail to ever grasp. For most people it seems like life does things to them and they are there catching. Every so often someone gets lucky and some good things happen, otherwise it just happens. Do you subscribe to that view? If so, it is time to change and get in line with what Rhonda Byrne said.Actually that idea goes back a long way. A fairly recent reference to it is made in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Wattles wrote the book and it had a little success at the time and then lay dormant for most of the intervening 100 years. Rhonda Byrne was given a copy of the book at a low moment in her life and it was a revelation to her. She turned her failing business and unsuccessful life around and produced The Secret which became a world wide phenomena highlighting the law of attraction and Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich.

Wattles insisted that one must first lose any reservations about getting rich and accept one's right to be rich. He dispels many of the myths about wealth and teaches how it can be used for the good of man, especially when it is the result of creative work rather than competitive work. He insists there is a science of getting rich and that many have discovered its laws. Rich people are not necessarily brilliant - they simply understand the laws of the science of getting rich while poor people do not.He dispels the myth that opportunity has been all snatched up and teaches that for those who observe and are open to what the world had to offer there is a great deal of opportunity. In fact he says that opportunity is unlimited, or limited only by your imagination.

Next, during the day as you do the normal things, like go to work, that you do allow yourself to muse over the idea without giving it too much attention. Just let it enter your mind from time to time and perhaps smile now that it is yours and then release the thought. Wattles states:By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.This is the process that Byrne used to turn her life around and the process you are beginning to create your future. By thought you have already created the things in your future and now you are taking action to be able to receive them.

There is a final, very important part of this and that is to be grateful. Give thanks for the things that you are creating and which will be in your hands soon. Give thanks as if you have already received them and then release the thought of them. Do this daily and then release the care of obtaining them.The process of The Science of Getting Rich can be enhanced with hypnosis. In fact just going through the visioning process you may find yourself entering a state of hypnosis whether or not you understand what it is and that is good. Hypnosis will enhance the quality of your vision and thus make you more successful at accomplishing your outcome.

He describes with particularity the way you must form clear pictures in your mind of what you want to attain it. He teaches the strength and the power of focused and disciplined intent.Wattles' teaching was not new in 1910 and we recognize in it much of the "new age" thinking on manifesting and creating that is common in thousands of books today. He taught visualization, pioneered by William James and others, and the power of intent, attitude and the disciplined mind. You see his influence in the work of Napoleon Hill and others including many of today's leading authors, philosophers and teachers.

Two works on this topic, however, stand out from the rest because of one significant reason. They actually make things simple even to the point of presenting the law of success in 16 lessons or so. These works are the Science of Getting Rich and Law of Success/Think of Grow Rich written by Wattles and Hill respectively.Though written some years apart and though each work has its own unique presentation, they actually supplement each other. They make the same principles surface while presenting them in their own special, distinctive and exceptional way. The Science of Getting Rich starts by telling everyone that he has the right to get rich but these calls for a systematic approach which may be called the science of getting rich.

Published in 1910, the author says in his book that it is abnormal not to want to be rich, because being rich is the only way you can realize your full potential, and that there is an exact science to getting rich, like algebra or arithmetic. Anyone who follows the law will become rich with mathematical certainty. To become rich, you have to do things a Certain Way.Because the book was published a century ago, the language used may appear odd. He talks about Formless Stuff, Original Substance, Formless Living Substance, Formless Intelligence and so on. He is talking about what we refer to today as energy.

He wrote almost constantly. It was then that he formed his mental picture. He saw himself as a successful writer, a personality of power, an advancing man, and he began to work toward the realization of this vision. He lived every page His life was truly the powerful life."In 1910, Wallace Wattles wrote the classic book The Science of Getting Rich. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles literally provides an instruction manual that shows anyone how to become rich in all aspects of your life. It has become one of, if not the most often recommended books by self made millionaires.

Everything first started with a thought. You have to imagine what you want before it is manifested.Everything is created from one thing, energy - in many different forms.Man is capable of original thought and has the capacity to cause the creation of what he thinks about.You have the ability to become who you want to be, and create what you want to create.Take action now.Live for the body, mind and soul - all are equally important for us to live fully.People do best in a business that they like and that they have the necessary skills for, but getting rich is not dependent on any particular business.Opportunity comes from different directions, and there is an abundance of opportunities. Go with the tide instead of swimming against it.There is more than enough for all.The way you do things is a result of the way you think about them.You are in a better position to help others, if you first help yourself to realize your true potential.Create instead of competing.Give more in "use" value than you take in "cash" value. So if you sell a book, the content must have a higher value than the cost of the book.Think big, think abundance and go for the grande.The more grateful you are, the more you receive.To become the best, surround yourself with the best

If you are knowledgeable about the Law of Attraction, the contents of The Science of Getting Rich will be familiar, but it would still be worth your while to read it to see where things began. It is important to look at a concept and see how it evolved over one hundred years. Did the concept of the Law of Attraction expand or contract during those one hundred years? After reading The Science of Getting Rich, I was reminded of the quote, which sums up the book, "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime." When we assist others to better their situations, we should do so in ways that will make a tangible difference in their lives. When we give people a process to follow, they can now help themselves.

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