Tips On Making And Fulfilling Your Bucket List

By Katelyn Buckner

A bucket list is a collection of things an individual plans to do before they die. The term is derived from the phrase to kick the bucket, meaning to die. People may draft their list of things to do at any age and often choose things that they have always wanted to do, but have not had the time or resources to complete. Essentially, fulfilling your bucket list involves accomplishing little and big goals that you have set for yourself.

Most people compile this list of goals as a challenge. It pushes them to live every day as if it were there last, a full life. No one can be certain when they will die and there are many dreams people have. It is different for each and every person. Likewise, there are no requirements set for these lists. There are some persons who do not write the things down but keep track of everything in their head.

What is included on this does not have to be shared with other people, but often people choose to share these goals with their family and friends. In some cases, these activities may include other people. Goals can range from traveling to a new place to getting their dream job. They might also be goals that directly impact other people. For instance, moving to another country to do charity work.

Usually the items on the list are a reflection of the person who is compiling it. They are in line with what that person is interested in. However, some people add things that do not fit in with their typical lifestyle and are outside of their comfort zone. This makes reaching the goal all the more challenging and exciting.

Large or small, the goals can change. Young people will likely have a different list of dreams than their elders. As people grow and mature, so do their goals and objectives. There is no problem changing out goals. This flexibility is what makes bucket lists fun and challenging, they are what the owner makes them.

The main purpose of the list is to encourage and inspire people to go for their dreams and set up goals so that they might continue to develop throughout their life. Most of these accomplishments lend to life experiences that are unforgettable. The also help shape a person.

While the things on these are usually unique to an individual, there are some common goals that people set. For example: learning a new language, reaching a goal weight, trying a different profession, travelling all around the world, participating in a triathlon or marathon, pursuing an ultimate passion, writing a book, mentoring someone, and more. Think big.

To put the list together, ask yourself a few questions to get ideas flowing. What are your major goals and dreams? With the knowledge that you would die tomorrow, how would you live today? If money and time were not concerns, what would you be doing? What are experiences you want to collect? As you answer these and any other questions, you may begin the journey that is fulfilling your bucket list.

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