How to Stop Smoking

By Monica B. Nice

I think most people know the WHY part of stopping smoking, but what about the HOW part? In this article I will give a run through on the top reasons why we should stop smoking, but I would like to say I will not use the normal scare tactics and talk about your health and finances and blah blah, because you know that already. I will then go on to talk about how you can quit smoking, and where you can find resources to truly help you.For most of us, the WHY is glaringly obvious: Improved health, improved finances, improved confidence. This is not necessarily enough reason to make people quit though. Government scare campaigns, for the large part, have failed. Smokers do not see a picture of a blackened lung and stop smoking, in fact, they usually feel more anxious upon seeing these images, and that makes them smoke even more.[]

I don't believe that these campaigns even help to prevent youngsters from starting to smoke either, every youngster knows that one experimental cigarette won't get them hooked, and when they light it up and see how bad it tastes, they further believe they aren't going to get hooked, so it is OK for them to smoke a few more experimental ones. No, the real reason to stop smoking, is because anybody who smokes has fallen victim to the biggest and most powerful trap that man and nature ever conspired together to create. The nicotine trap. We are brainwashed from an early age into believing that cigarettes are precious and give immense pleasure, and that this is where the addiction comes from. A dying man in a movie is always given a cigarette, the last request of a doomed man is for a cigarette. Our conscious minds might not notice the message, but our subconscious takes it in.

The defense mechanism that you spent years building up remains functioning. It has become your ogre that you've forgotten how to be in charge of! You've erased from your memory why you created the ogre initially, because it was so long ago! You may overcome it and banish it for awhile, but it's constantly pushing to break free. Eventually it will break free and you will resume smoking again. The cigarette is not the ogre. It is the mechanism you've created within your brain that compels you to smoke the cigarette that is the ogre.Tips To Stop Smoking,There are physical addictions but, in addition there are also the psychological triggers that make giving smoking up difficult. Cigarette smokers become so used to smoking that they maintain regimens where they will smoke cigarettes at certain times of the day and when they do certain activities.

When I smoked I always looked forward to the after eating smoke and the first smoke in the morning. So when you try to break your addition and you are in the situation where you would usually smoke a cigarette, you find yourself craving one just out of habit. The activity has conditioned your brain to associate smoking with the activity. So as well as breaking the physical addiction you also need to break the psychological habits that have been set up.

You really have been brainwashed. Question everything you think you know about smoking, see a cigarette for what it really is. NOTHING.Virtually every smoker in the world would pay a good price for the answer to "how to quit smoking easily". Whilst studies have indicated that as many as 80% of smokers yearn to quit, unfortunately, they spend very little time or money on trying to quit.

Discuss Your Intention to Stop Cigarettes With EVERY PERSON IN YOUR LIFE For several of us cigarette smokers, failed attempts to quit cigarettes can be accredited to a single significant issue: We kept our intention to give up cigarette smoking a secret. If nobody is aware of the fact that you are attempting to stop cigarettes, nobody on earth is expecting to see you stop smoking cigarettes. As such, you have nothing to lose by giving up on your goals. If each person in your life knows you're trying to quit, however, you are more inclined to stick with your plan of recovery to avoid the shame of failure.

And so the cycle continues.Firstly, in answer to the question of "how to quit smoking easily", there is no method that doesn't require effort. It is easy to quit smoking, but it requires effort and there is a difference. To put it another way, making love is easy to do but it does require effort. Do you see what I mean?

Secondly, if you want to know how to quit smoking easily, telling you that you are killing yourself smoking is not going to make it any easier. Of course all smokers these days know that they are doing harm to themselves - that is why they all want to quit smoking. The "health police" go around reminding smokers that they are doing all this harm to themselves does not help them quit smoking.In fact, it doesn't help smokers in any way quit smoking by telling them what damage they are doing to themselves. The only way to help someone in such a predicament is to tell him or her HOW to quit smoking. After all, every smoker in the world knows WHY he or she should quit smoking. The 'health police' never seem to have an answer for this.

Some advantages of hypnotherapy treatment to quit smoking are,No side effects,Completely drug free treatment,The therapy session is not overly lengthy,Positive results will be achieved,The hypnotherapist can tailor the hypnosis session to suit your needs.Smoking is a habit that is so intertwined in your emotions that it is very hard to quit. The most known cause is that cigarettes contain nicotine that is an highly addictive substance. Nicotine is what leads to people to becoming addicted on smoking in the first place. Please visit The How To Stop Smoking Hub [] for free information on quitting smoking.

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