Study Habits: Unlock Your Memory Recall By Thinking About Yourself

By Lachlan Haynes

The ability to remember a vast amount of data and information is vital to students and can truly be the difference between passing and failing a subject. So it's no wonder that there is so much focus on maximizing our memory ability!

But how many students actually take the time to understand how their memory works? We'd all love a brilliant memory but we spend very little time (if any) using the techniques that make this possible. Don't you ever wonder why you can remember lots of seemingly useless information but when it comes time to recall all that information you learnt in science class during the year you can't remember a thing?

The fact is that we all have a perfect memory and it functions exactly the way it is designed to function - except that we don't take the time to understand how it works.

For some reason, we expect to be able to recall information at will (usually just by constantly repeating the word or re-reading the information we want to remember) without any understanding of how memory recall even works. As a result, the way we approach memory recall is usually quite dumb.

The smart approach to memory recall is to first take the time to learn how your memory works and then manipulate your memory (in a good way!) in order to recall exactly what you need to remember for that next test or exam.

There are many techniques you can use to improve your memory recall but today's lesson is about just one of them - the "What's in it for me" method. This method states that the more you can make something relate to you personally, the more about it you will be able to remember.

When it comes to memory, your brain always wants to know "How does this relate to me?" or put even more simply "Why should I even bother storing this as a memory?"

Therefore, when a bit of information or data is personally significant to you, your memory is far more likely to store that information for you (and the real kicker is that it will remember all the little details about it as well!)

You remember to do things that are going to impact you directly (like making sure you buy a ticket to the next Green Day concert). You remember names of people and places and locations that are really going to impact your life. You remember prices of things that you really want to buy. You remember where, what time and with whom you are going out with on Saturday night. You remember the name and phone number of that girl or guy you like.

Now, you don't do this recall on a conscious basis, it just happens automatically. You simply called up the information and because it was important and relevant to you, it was easy to retrieve. However, the real question I'm sure you are wondering is how do we apply this rule of memory to our studies? Well, you simple need to think about how whatever you are trying to learn or remember relates to you and your life. Let's look at some examples.

In economics you learn about trends. Trends impact purchase power of individuals. Purchase power impacts your ability to go and that new pair of shoes you really want. So, does it make it easier to understand economic trends when you understand how it impacts you?

If you are learning about other cultures (for example) you can simply compare their culture to your own. In what ways does the culture differ from your own? In what ways does it match? In what ways is it kind of similar but not really? Asking yourself these questions may seem silly but the more questions you can ask that are actually about you, the more you will remember.

If you are trying to remember names and dates just focus on how do these names and dates relate to you. Ask yourself, "Do I know anyone by those or similar names? Do I like the name for some reason or do I think it's a weird name? Why is that? Did the people or dates that I have to remember ever impact my life in any way? Did anything happen on those dates that relates to me personally?"

There are many ways for you to improve your memory recall. The "What's in it for me" approach is just one. But it's one that is easy to use and it really works. Identify what you need to remember and then make it about it you. You will be very surprised at what happens next. Good luck!

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