The Benefits Of Looking For Your Tarot Reading Online

By Dorothy Parker

It is fascinating to see ancient arts using the most modern technology. One example of this would be that it is now possible to get a tarot reading online. This can vary from the free and simplistic to a paid detailed consultation with a full time interpreter of the cards. All offer the convenience and discretion of a service which is available in your own home and at a time to suit you.

It is usually an issue with love, finance or employment that will prompt the decision to look for a tarot reading online. People who subscribe to mystical belief systems also think that the cards can help you to gain understanding into your own character and even give you insights into your friends, family and colleagues.

Like horoscope reading, other divining methods and the consultation with those claiming psychic gifts, tarot has long been used as a method of foreseeing the future in the hope of being better able to change or adapt to it. Some will acknowledge it more freely than others, but many people have a desire to know what their future might hold.

It believed that the cards first originated in Italy in the fifteenth century though a lot of people associate them mainly with fairground gypsy fortune tellers whilst others believe that they originally came from Egypt. The Italian decks were firstly used for games and it was only later that their use a divination tool developed. In the eighteenth century the connection with Egyptian symbols and mysticism was made.

There are many different decks, some online sources list as many as seventy. Many have been designed by famous artists such as Salvador Dali, others by individuals associated with the occult such as Aleister Crowley. Some decks have the reputation of being easier to use than others, some are considered to be more disturbing in their imagery.

The seventy-eight cards of the deck are arranged into two divisions; these are the minor arcana and major arcana. The first of these, like a playing deck has four suits. A tarot deck has seventy-eight cards and the other twenty-two are known as the major arcana, these are considered to be the more powerful elements of the deck, representing the elemental forces and principals around us.

The cards can be laid out in many different ways, the reader will choose the most appropriate pattern for the question in hand. One of the most common and popular arrangements is the Celtic Cross; this ten card spread is believed to represent the questioner, and the influences around them. It is the pattern most often used to give a general life reading.

Individuals who have an interest in the occult say that divination tools such as tarot cards or horoscope are more than games that should be taken lightly. They believe that these are powerful tools which can aid individual growth and offer insights into the subconscious. Those who believe in magic say that these methods can increase intuitive powers and the ability to sense what is going on in the world around.

There are many people offering tarot reading online. Before making contact with a service or individual you might like to consider exactly what it is you what to know and why, this will maximize your chances of finding something that suits you.

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