The Useful Side Of Covert Hypnosis

By George Turner

Covert hypnosis is an intellectual technique used to penetrate the critical mind of a person and directly communicating with their unconscious mind. It is also known as conversational hypnosis when initiated during a conversation. This procedure basically works by switching off the critical and of the victim and activating their subconscious mind which can easily be taken advantage of.

This is basically taking control of peoples will and denying them the power to make their own decisions. The technique was discovered as a way to help patients with memory loss problems recover their lost memories as part of their therapy. This methods works by triggering the imaginative side of the brain, which on the other hand switches off the critical mind and that is why one can make decision without noticing it.

There are various occurrences of hypnotism acts everyday that people disregard and take them as part of life. There cases where people caught sleep walking do not remember; in fact, they deny the things they were caught doing such as taking a glass of milk or even picking mails. The other majority of people are those that drive long distances hypnotizing themselves in such a way that they do everything right including obeying traffic light and cannot remember the details of the journey.

Building a rapport, turning off the critical mind and then making hypnotic commands are the three critical steps of the procedure. Basically, it is like being unfair to other by taking advantages over them knowing that they are incapable of resisting. The most crucial aspect of this procedure is that the victim will not notice or remember making responding to anything.

Building rapport with the listener helps them concentrate on what the hypnotizer is saying and by initiating hypnotic words, the listener completely becomes unconscious giving one the chance to make their demands. Things should be taken slowly until they become uneasy; this is probably done by making them laugh and then maybe by start sharing innermost feelings.

The actual use of hypnotic words is usually the next step which involves using words like imagine or what if to disconnect the victim from their critical mind. It is at the imaginative state that the target becomes loose and incapable of realizing anything happening or what they say. This is very critical, and one must be sure that their concentration was deep before initiating this.

The last part entails the demanding section whereby one is fully unconscious and has no authority over their mind. At this point, the hypnotizer can demand anything or ask any question and get a sincere answer. However, one should ensure that the environment is normal so as not to raise any doubts that may trigger anything unusual as their state of mind is usually unstable once they wake up.

The use of covert hypnosis has grown popular over the years, and people have discovered the power it possesses and are using it to their benefit. For instance, people have used it to commit murders by making other people commit suicides. On the other hand, motivational speakers have been seen using the technique to make great impact by twisting peoples way of thinking.

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