The Do's & Don'ts Of Avoiding Ticks, From Alternative Earthcare

By David Kellan

Alternative Earthcare, as well as other authorities, can tell you that ticks seem to be most common during the summer. The fact that they can leave noticeable bites behind cannot be ignored, especially when these have been known to spread disease. However, there are a few ways that you can about preventing these bites. If you'd like to know how this can be done, here are a couple of do's and don'ts to be mindful of.

DO know where ticks live. Prior to protecting yourself against ticks, you should have a general understanding of where they live. According to companies like Alternative Earthcare, these pests live in wooded areas, such as high grass and bushes. These are just a few reasons why east end tick control companies recommend that you maintain your lawn on a routine basis. This degree of knowledge will go a long way in protecting yourself.

DON'T forget to use repellent. One of the best ways to prevent tick bites is by implementing repellent. This solution can be applied to both your skin and clothes alike, meaning that any area exposed to the outside world can be covered. Not every repellent will work the same, though, so make sure that you read each label beforehand. To say that this solution can make a difference would be an understatement.

DO examine pets in your home. There's also the matter of pets, which are often regarded as common hosts for ticks. What this means is that they can spread to you more easily due to close contact. As a pet owner, you should be aware of any strange behavior that your animal friend exhibits. The most common gestures would be excessive biting and scratching. The moment you observe these actions is when you should administer tick control for your pet.

DON'T forget to shower once you're inside the house. Even if you've taken every precaution to protect yourself, ticks might still attach themselves to your body. Ideally, you'll want to take a shower as quickly as possible once you're inside your house. What this does is wash away the aforementioned pests before they can leave noticeable bites behind. Such a seemingly simple step can make a huge difference in tick prevention.

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