How To Perform An Effective Energy Cord Cutting

By Celia Hall

In every encounter between two people a bond is formed that connects them. They are called energy cords and they can be formed with positive or negative energies. There are many factors which affect to form which the bond can take. Positive bonds can bring strength to the receiver while negative bonds will suck the energy and life out of them. This is why energy cord cutting is a valuable practice that will enrich your life.

Negative bonds develop between two people when there are negative past experiences between them. These bonds may be the result of a cheating partner, an unresolved argument, or something as simple as a mild disagreement between two strangers. Embedded in these bonds are all the feelings that come with the negative experience. Feelings of embarrassment, anger, paranoia, and any other negative feelings all contribute to the negative bond.

Long after the relationship between the two people has ended these bonds continue to connect them. Energy cord cutting is a way to sever these bonds and get rid of the negative feelings that are attached to them. Only once this has been done can a person release the past and move on.

While some people can be completely moved on from the negative relationship before they attempt to cut the cord, others still have an emotional connection to the person. This emotional attachment will prevent the cords from being permanently removed. Sometimes it can take time before you are emotionally ready to sever the ties with a particular person.

Understanding the relationship and its negative patterns and emotions is key to letting go. These are factors which you will continue to carry on from one relationship to the next whether you realize this or not. Until you can understand how they affect your current relationships the patterns will continue to repeat themselves. To acknowledge them and where they come from will help you remove these negative patterns from your current relationships. When the bond has finally been severed the effect on new relationships will be a positive one.

The process begins with visualization. Picturing in the mind the connection between you. Focus on the negative energies surrounding the relationship. When the visualization is clear and focus has been established visualize in the mind the cord being severed and washed away from the body.

After the cutting has been done it is recommended that you preform a spiritual cleanse. Any kind that you feel comfortable with will work. This is a good way to renew your soul after releasing all that negativity.

When energy cord cutting has been properly performed the bond should not be able to reform itself. If it does reform the reason is usually due to unresolved issues. Even if the relationship has been examined from all angles there may still be something that you are subconsciously unwilling to let go of. Don't lie to yourself, make excuses, or ignore certain facts, this will only create more problems for you in the future.

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