Learning How To Connect With Global Spirituality

By Celia Hall

Humans have many great abilities that most people are blind to. We are amazing, in that we are spirit beings that have healing abilities that most have forgotten how to use. Technology imprisons most people in this modern society, but there will be an awaking soon. People with come to realize the true potential present within us all though global spirituality.

In order to understand what it really means to be one with the Earth and spirit, people should hear about an experiment that was conducted. There was a group of scientists who were experimenting with monkeys on a secluded island. They wanted to find out more information about their learning behavior. The scientists fed them potatoes covered in sand for food consumption.

This particular breed of monkeys enjoyed eating these potatoes, but did not like consuming the sand at all. Although they still ate the food, they did not know how to solve the issue. A handful of younger monkeys were taught how to remove the vegetables by cleaning them off in a nearby body of water. Most of the surrounding monkeys quickly caught on and began doing this themselves.

Their findings were hypothesized in advanced and yet something still startled them. They had found that not only the monkeys on the island have learned this new technique, but all of the monkeys of this particular species had learned how to clean dirt off their food as well! This kind of mammal all over the globe communicated in some way that they were not able to comprehend.

The lab workers were eager to test this phenomenon on the human population, and so they did. They prepared different test groups located in two separate countries which included the United Kingdom as well as the United States. Each group was presented with an image of various faces with most of them hidden. They asked both groups to identify as many as they could. Each group found almost ten faces.

After this happened, the lab workers revealed each and every face to only the group in the UK. They then knew the location to every face. Although the group in the United States was not exposed to the locations of the hidden faces, they were able to identify almost every face after the other group learned of them.

The results of this human experiment confirmed their theory that somehow we are all connected somehow on a telepathic level. Although we do not understand fully how this phenomenon works, we have solid evidence that there is a human consciousness grid that exists. We are all connected to it and tap into the vast knowledgebase of information. We have great potential that we will be able to utilize in the future.

Each species of life on Earth has its own consciousness grid. All humans are connected with each other and the shamans, spirit healers, reiki masters and the like are all in tuned with these higher vibrations. Psychic people do exist, although there are a lot of imitators out there just looking to make quick money. People who love are able to resonate on a higher frequency than those who have hate within themselves. Meditation is the key to becoming attuned with ones higher self and learning to tap into the global spirituality of life on this planet.

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